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St Annes polluted by sewage 1,241 times in 2023 - lasting 8,200 hours

© OpenStreetMap contributors
Contains OS Data © Crown copyright & database right 2021-2023
© Top of the Poops 2021-2023
Totals for St Annes in 2023
31 Sites polluted by United Utilities
1,241 sewage dumps
8,200 h duration
That's 11.39 months. On average 3.4 times a day
How does St Annes compare?

St Annes was the #4 most polluted bathing area in England & Wales, by duration of sewage overflows, as reported by the water companies

Local Constituency

Pollution Summary 2023

Here are all the reported sewage overflow totals for St Annes in 2023.

If the locations of the sewage outlets look a bit unusual, it is likely that the reporting of the data from the water company is in error. We rely on their data in order to draw these maps.

Accuracy Warning We use data from the water companies, but we are seeing many anomalies, that make us believe that bathing location information is quite poor. The situation is likely far worse than reported here.

Other CSOs may also be located nearby, however the water companies claim that these do not affect the water quality here.

Company Waterway Site Sewage Dumps Duration (Hours) Reporting %
United Utilities Tarra Carr Gutter LONGTON WASTEWATER TREATMENT WORKS 146 2,063 100
United Utilities Tarleton Runner MERE BROW WWTW 127 1,018 100
United Utilities River Ribble FISHERGATE HILL CSO CHAMBER C8 36 786 100
United Utilities River Darwin FIELD EAST OF RIVER DARWIN CSO 120 735 96.9
United Utilities River Ribble FISHERGATE HILL CSO (CHAMBER C9) 30 639 100
United Utilities River Ribble HOLME ROAD COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW 123 611 100
United Utilities Wrongway Brook STATION ROAD CSO 19084 31 325 99.8
United Utilities Longton Brook CLIFFORD AVENUE WW NTWK PS 42 277 100
United Utilities Boundary Brook Riv Ribble FACTORY LANE CSO 38 176 98.3
United Utilities River Ribble BLACKPOOL ROAD CSO 88 167 99.2
United Utilities Dow Brook Frecklton Pl NEAR SHIP INN CSO 61 149 100
United Utilities Boundary Brook CAUSEY WAY COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW 79 147 94.4
United Utilities Tarleton Runner MERE BROW WWTW 25 130 99.9
United Utilities Eaves Brook Savick Brook WATLING STREET ROAD CSO 33024 11 122 100
United Utilities River Douglas SKELMERSDALE WWTW SKELM 44 117 100
United Utilities Savick Brook Rvr Ribble COW HILL CLARKSONS FOLD CSO 33100 11 113 100
United Utilities Dunkirk Dib SHORE ROAD NETWORK PUMPING STATION 57 106 99.8
United Utilities River Ribble BROOK CORNER CSO 12 77 99.3
United Utilities Carr Brook, Of Dow Brook KIRKHAM COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW 18 73 100
United Utilities Dow Brook DOW BRIDGE CSO 19080 10 72 100
United Utilities Tidal River Ribble PRESTON NETWORK TERMINAL PUMPING ST 12 67 99.8
United Utilities Rvr Ribble THORNPARK PUMPING STATION 33007 31 58 100
United Utilities Unnamed Of Mill Brook THE GREENACRES CSO 13 47 100
United Utilities River Douglas SKELMERSDALE WWTW SKELM 11 30 99.7
United Utilities Of River Ribble COP LANE CSO 5 28 100
United Utilities Savick Brook GARSTANG ROAD BRIDGE CSO 333EH 13 23 94.6
United Utilities Bannister Brook LEADALE ROAD CSO 402CQ 11 13 100
United Utilities Chain Caul Culvert Into Ribble WEST STRAND CSO CHAMBER C10 PRE0071 3 7 100
United Utilities River Douglas HESKETH LANE CSO 18 6 100
United Utilities River Ribble HAWTHORN CRESCENT CSO 11 2 100
United Utilities Carr Brook SCHOOL LANE CSO 192QK 4 0 100
United Utilities Sutton Brook WATERY LANE FORMER PS CSO 339DQ 0 0 100
United Utilities Unnamed Laggard Brook SMITHY LANE PUMPING STATION 19003 0 0 100

Data Sources & Accuracy

EDM (Event Duration Monitoring) data and Consented Discharges to Controlled Waters with Conditions from Environment Agency & Data Map Wales, and Scottish Water

Experimental derived data from Thames Water API, Some data may be missing or inaccurate. This uses Environment Agency rainfall data from the real-time data API (Beta) - Rainfall data is delayed by up to two days.

This website is intended to provide an accurate representation of the Environment Agency data. The data is hard to use, and thus some errors may have been made. If you find something that is incorrect, please raise an issue at the GitHub issues page and we'll endeavour to fix it quickly.

This project is not associated, approved or endorsed by any of the companies whose logos you see here.