March for Clean Water Logo

We need your support

Running a website with this much information in it costs money - Running the servers, design and programming are all expensive. Your support means we can develop more information sources - start to personalise the information - develop pollution notification services, and generally improve the quality and relevance of our information.

If you can, please support us with either a one-off or small recurring subscription - which you can cancel with no notice at any time.

We won't add you to any mailing lists

Thank you!

With Stripe you can subscribe as a Top-of-the-Poops supporter. It's a small monthly subscription, you can cancel at any time. You don't need to share any information with us.
GoFundMe allows you to send a one-off payment to help support our work. It's quick and easy.
GitHub Sponsor
For the techies, GitHub Sponsors allows people with a GitHub account or organisation to sponsor our Open Source technology.