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Live Overflow Map

Here are the CSOs in England that we know are overflowing right now. We are using the Water Companies' own data, updated every 15 minutes.

Each dot represents an overflowing CSO - Each Water Company has a different colour

Blue squares represent rainfall, if there is any - the darker the blue, the more rain.

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Company Total CSOs Not Overflowing Overflowing
Anglian 1,433 1,422 11
Northumbrian 1,517 1,506 11
SevernTrent 2,448 2,437 11
Southern 1,022 1,017 5
SouthWestWater 1,335 1,331 4
ThamesWater 578 571 7
UnitedUtilities 2,231 2,224 7
WessexWater 1,429 1,419 10
Totals 11,993 11,927 66

Yorkshire Water, Dwr Cymru and Scottish Water are not yet here... they are coming soon

How do we interpret the data?

You might notice that some of the figures in the above chart, particularly around how long a CSO has been overflowing, are different from the figures on other websites. We use a more sophisticated model to figure out when CSOs really started overflowing.

The water companies send a signal each time a CSO overflows, saying that it has 'Started' and telling us when. Sometimes though, it sends multiple 'Started' events in a row. One event will say 'Started at 1pm', the next 'Started at 3pm', the next 'Started at 10pm'...

Its clear though that despite the latest alert being 'Started at 10pm', the overflow did actually start at 1pm - so the CSO has been overflowing for far longer. This is how we keep track of the state of each CSO overflow, and why our numbers are different, we don't just rely on the latest information.

An image showing some database records as supplied by Uk Water
How we receive the data.
An image showing our interpretation of those records, there are far fewer
After we've interpreted it.

There may be errors in our interpretation... and if we find any we're committed to updating this information so that it is as accurate as possible. If you find an error, please let us know.