Nottingham East was polluted by sewage 418 times in 2023
lasting 1,212 hours

© OpenStreetMap contributors
Contains OS Data © Crown copyright & database right 2021-2023
© Top of the Poops 2021-2023
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✔ means we have experimental daily data since 2023
Totals for Nottingham East in 2023
11 Sites polluted by Severn Trent Water
418 sewage dumps
1,212 h duration
That's 1.68 months. On average 1.1 times a day
Change Over Time
Take Action
Your local MP is Nadia Whittome (Labour) - Find out more about their interests, donors, and voting at They Work For You

Pollution Summary 2023

Here are all the reported sewage overflow totals for Nottingham East in 2023. Sometimes sewage can be being dumped for months at a time.

Reporting refers to how much of the time the monitoring was active. In this constituency 0 of the total 12 CSO locations had reporting enabled for less than half the year, of which 0 had zero reporting.

Company Waterway Site Sewage Dumps Duration (Hours) Reporting %
Severn Trent Water River Trent SNEINTON SEWAGE PUMPING STATION 56 735 93.5
Severn Trent Water River Trent Via Beckvalley Cul SNEINTON DALE/WATSON ST CSO 84 197 83.7
Severn Trent Water River Leen NEWQUAY AV/CHURCHFIELD LANE JCT CSO 84 166 99.4
Severn Trent Water River Trent CURZON GARDENS COMBINED SEWER OVERF 47 60 95.2
Severn Trent Water River Trent 331 SNEINTON DALE CSO 49 19 99.9
Severn Trent Water River Trent ST ANNS WELL ROAD STORM OVERFLOW 19 12 99.9
Severn Trent Water River Trent Via Beckvalley Cul SNEINTON DALE/ EDALE ROAD CSO 27 11 96.8
Severn Trent Water Day Brook SHERWOOD - VALLEY RD-EDWARDS LN CSO 4 3 93
Severn Trent Water River Trent Via Beckvalley Cul SNEINTON - 264 SNEINTON DALE CSO 37 3 96.9
Severn Trent Water Day Brook NOTTINGHAM VALLEY RD/TENNIS CTS CSO 6 2 73
Severn Trent Water River Leen RADFORD ROAD STORM OVERFLOW 5 0 100
Severn Trent Water River Trent SNEINTON DALE/ENA AVENUE CSO 0 0 96.4

Data Sources & Accuracy

EDM (Event Duration Monitoring) data and Consented Discharges to Controlled Waters with Conditions from Environment Agency & Data Map Wales, and Scottish Water

Experimental derived data from Thames Water API, Some data may be missing or inaccurate. This uses Environment Agency rainfall data from the real-time data API (Beta) - Rainfall data is delayed by up to two days.

This website is intended to provide an accurate representation of the Environment Agency data. The data is hard to use, and thus some errors may have been made. If you find something that is incorrect, please raise an issue at the GitHub issues page and we'll endeavour to fix it quickly.

This project is not associated, approved or endorsed by any of the companies whose logos you see here.